Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sitecore Practical Series-4 - Sitecore Command Templates (Branch Template not Menu) Implementation and key consideration.


1. What is Sitecore Command Tempaltes - Understanding.
2. Why Sitecore Command Tempalte required and some use cases.
3.  A sample POC to implement the Command template.

Let's start, Ok

Command templates- basically this feature allow to add logic like how item will be inserted/created when you create item through the command tempalte, but  in case of branch template there were pre defined setup rule/configuration.

While creating item throug command tempalte - it will call a class and defined function where we can add aditional logics.


1. Open sitecore and go to the path- /sitecore/templates/Branches/

2. Right click and create a new Command Tempalte - Let's say give it a name - ArticleCommand

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